Custom cookies and chocolates for gifts, entertaining, special events, and even retail outlets.

All items are made-to-order. Check website for menu ideas, but remember, you can customize anything to your preferences. Just let The Sugar Mommy know what you like and that's what you'll get!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It's time for the kids to head back to college, and what better way for parents to care from afar...send care packages...well, call The Sugar Mommy to send care packages!

My new focus will bring fresh, delicious, custom baskets to college kids all over the country.

Best of all, parents get to customize each basket for their child. So if your child is a nut-lover, then chocolate chips cookies loaded with nuts, peanut butter cups, and chocolate covered pretzels covered in crushed nuts are the way to go. If your child is a fan of coconut, then a selection of oatmeal coconut chocolate chip cookies and chocolate covered pretzels covered in toasted coconut and solid chocolates with toasted coconut mixed in is the perfect package.

The Sugar Mommy is a mom and knows how busy other moms are, so let The Sugar Mommy bring freshly-baked, homemade goodies to your child...everything is homemade, just not in your home!

Spread the word!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Direction for The Sugar Mommy

After a lot of soul-searching and a lot of hemming and hawing, The Sugar Mommy has decided to focus efforts on gift baskets and care packages.
While I've loved making small batches of cookies and peanut butter cups here and there whenever asked, I would love consistency in my work. I would love to provide goodies to college and boarding school students around the country, paid for lovingly by their parents or grandparents.
So, I need to somehow get the word out to parents everywhere that they should contact me to set up arrangements for ongoing deliveries. Packaging will be seasonal and festive.
Think: good luck on exams, Happy Halloween, congrats on rush, good job making the team, broken heart, Happy Valentine's Day, and more!
The Sugar Mommy is ready to bring home-baked love to children everywhere!