Custom cookies and chocolates for gifts, entertaining, special events, and even retail outlets.

All items are made-to-order. Check website for menu ideas, but remember, you can customize anything to your preferences. Just let The Sugar Mommy know what you like and that's what you'll get!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Big Cookie = Better Taste

I've been playing around with my cookies and came to a not-so-surprising conclusion -- the bigger they are, the better they taste!
So, maybe that's a bit strange. I suppose you'd think that no matter the size, the cookie would taste the same. Not the case. I played around with different sizes and seriously, the huge ones really did taste better. Something about the way the cookie formed was more enticing than the smaller ones.
See for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that in the past as well. Maybe it's a center being less cooked thing?
